Our Team


Dawn Hall |


Hi, my name is Dawn and my journey into care started in 1999. Aged 58, my mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and so I became her main carer. I brought my mum to come and live with me so I could look after her full time as best as I could. This was one of the most difficult challenges I have had to face in my life, and after a year of me caring for her, she sadly passed away. Although this was a sad period in my life, this made me fall in love with care, and was what ignited my journey into the care sector.

Over the past 20 years, I have worked in a number of different job roles within the care sector, including the assistant manager of a home care company. I have now taken the jump to start my own care company with my business partner Chris. Both of us believe that we can deliver care that really is caring – and we want to have a care company that is proud to deliver a standard of care to those who really need it, just like I needed it back in 1999. This vision is how Courthall Care came to be.

This is just a small part of my journey and I hope we can become a part of yours.


Christopher Courtney |


Hi, my name is Chris and I have worked in the care sector for the last 5 years. It may seem surprising but I fell into care pretty much by accident. I have a degree in Applied Psychology and with this I had to do a placement for a year. I undertook mine as a voluntary support worker for those with mental health conditions. I immediately took a love to it and began working full time in one of the company’s residential homes as a support worker. From there I then left university and the job to work as a care coordinator for a home care company. I progressed to management roles and have managed community and residential services. I have also worked for a local authority within their reablement team, working with the service users in the borough to get them back to independence. Along the way I have obtained my Level 5 in Leadership and Management, and I am now able to put my expertise to use, and now I am the director of Courthall Care, which has been a dream of mine to be able to do for a long time.

Looking back, I could not imagine doing anything else. I believe that care is in your blood, and I feel so blessed and humbled to have been a part of so many people’s lives and their care.