
Our pricing is based at the local authority rate and no top up fee is required for care financed through the local authority.

Your care can be financed through a number of options:


Direct Payment

Direct payments allow service users and their families to take control of who they would like to provide care for them and their loved ones. This is done through social services, who will set up what is called a virtual budget. This is the amount that the local authority will 

contribute per week, and then the amount, or contribution to care would be financed by yourself.

Continuing Health Care

Continuing Health Care is NHS funded care and is typically for those who require palliative care, or have enduring health conditions which impact significantly on daily life. An assessment for this can be completed by a trained nurse or GP.

Independent Living Funds

Although Independent Living Funds are no longer available and funding for care of this type is done through the Local Authority, those who are still in receipt of Independent Living Funds can use this in order to fund their care.

Personal Independence Payments (PIP)

As part of Personal Independence Payments, there is a care element which the Department for Work and Pensions will contribute to in order to finance your care. This can then be used to fund your care with us.